Dragonfly - Anax imerator From a Quentin's photo.
Watercolour World Diary is a notebook with some watercolour painting issued from our family's travel around the world in a campervan with four children in 1999-2001.
From Vendee, in France, we start in August 1999, and we came back in april 2001, after crossing Europa, Asia, Australia and Usa.
We used mainly our vehicle on the road, and at the end with rucksacks by train or plane. A very coloured journey, which I present you inside this pages.
From my recollections, my photographies and my feelings, I try to give you something from it with paper, bruches and pigments.
Most of painting tells a special moment during the travel. It's a way to simply offer you the best of it.

I don't speak fluently English language.
So, be indulgent, please. And, if you want, I will be happy to receive your corrections.