Mauve hydrangea from my garden, Plants, flowers, nature - , original framed watercolour, world travel diary, world watercolour

Topic watercolour : Plants, flowers, nature

Flower are a gift for the painter : a lot of coulours and perfect forms.

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Mauve hydrangea from my garden

Watercolour sur papier cellulose 300 g

I really like painting flowers. It seems perhaps not very original. Just, that s for me new challenge. Everytime, I think about it : what can I do which would be new ? Which new technic, which new colour mix ? The result isn t exerytime as I m wainting. But, in Art, most of everything, take risks is inescapable.
Only paint size : 24 X 24 cm
Watercolour size framed : 40 X 40 cm
80 €
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frame application Ipad

App iPad/iPhone
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